Cleaning 13 hours per week, monday to friday

Job offers

Cleaning 13 hours per week, monday to friday
Contact Send a message
City 137, rue de Cessange L1321 Luxembourg
Languages French
Additional Information Part-time
Experience 1-2 years
City:137, rue de Cessange L1321 Luxembourg
Country: Luksemburg

Hello, I need someone to clean our apartment every day mondays to fridays in the afternoons for in total 13 hours per week: 3 times 3 per day and 2 times 2 hours per day. Ideally 2-5pm and 3-5pm. We leave in Luxembourg city: 137, rue de Cessange L1321 Luxembourg. Sometimes if i can’t go, during this time the person will need to pick up my child 10 years old at school, which is the international school of luxembourg. Any language will be fine.

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